August 14, 2010

Yoho Valley, August 2010

Every thing start with the idea of going hiking somewhere but the weather wasn't suposse to be anything good in the Bow valley. After looking at the forecast troughtout the Rockies, I discover Yoho national park, just outside the British Columbia border (75 minutes from banff), was expecting a beautiful, warm and sunny day. So Megan, Justin, Monica, Amelia and I decide to hike the Yoho Valley from Takkakaw fall to Twin falls, a journey of over 14 km round trip.  Every time I go to Takkakaw fall, I'm impress with this powerful waterfall where the water seem to be ejected by solid rocks. Takkakaw fall is due to a melting glacier. Once the glacier will be gone, so will Canada's third highest waterfall and most impressive in the Rockies.

The trail start by following the Yoho river and several small waterfalls until we reach Laughing fall mid way to Twin falls. Laughing fall are a remote waterfall with no access by vehicle. Nontheless, it's a popular campground site for families willing to brings their kids in the middle of the nature with an easy hike.

Twin falls consisted of two waterfalls side by side like a big brother and his small sister. They are really impressives and uniques.

Once we reach twin falls viewpoint, I got separated from my group and I had to hike back down by myself wondering where my group was. My group had to hike back down wondering also where I was. It was an eventful day but a remarkable one.

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