March 29, 2007

Banff, I`m coming!

I`m leaving April 26th until August
I learned couple weeks ago I`m accepted for work all summer in Banff, Alberta. I am really happy and decided to accept the offer. It will be a great opportunity for me to learn English, again, and to see the Canadian rockies with a better view. It will be amazing to work at the summit of Sulphur mountain, and I hope making this trip one of the best of my young life. It`s always wonderful to leave my Québec for discover new things. Canada is such an amazing country and I`m ready to see it more. I`m suposse to be out there for four months. It`s long, I know, but I`m not afraid! I will be living in a staff accommodation for only 9,5$ per day.

I will be back for post more information about this trip.

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