March 02, 2007

What Canada is trully about...

From Coast to Coast, here I am !

I been In British Columbia four times, in Alberta two times, in Manitoba four times, in New Brunswick one time, in Nova Scotia one time, in Ontario many times (I can't count) and I been many many many times in Québec, my born province. I love Canada and my spirit is all around the country. I visited many beautiful places of the country such as Banff, Vancouver, Whistler, Victoria, Calgary, Winnipeg, Toronto, Niagara falls, Ottawa, Québec city, Saguenay, Hopewell rocks, but I still have the feelling I didn't see the best part of Canada yet.

Canada is not a country like the others. We cannot going one time and see the main attractions of the country and say "we see it, we did it". Many people will say that Canada is not as pretty as Italia, Australia, Costa Rica, United States, Spain or France, but in fact it`s false and true at the same time. Let me explain.

If you go to Australia, you will love the place instantly without any effort from you, because all you want, the beach, the sun, the palm trees are right there waiting for you. In Canada, you cannot expect feel Lake Louise if you are only watching the lake for 10 minutes, because you need hicking and many effort from yourself for deserve the greatest scenery you can possibily imagine and the best time of your life also. The sad thing is many organized trip let you see Banff, Lake Louise and sometime even the Okanagan in the same day. Sorry, but it`s not like that Canada should be seen.

Canada should be see with time and by your own path. You need to feel the country for "loving it", you need to take your time and you cannot be in rush. Because, if you are, you will miss the most important part of the country, and the better part of the country is not at the summit of the CN tower, but somewhere hidden in yourself. Somewhere different for everybody.

Canada is my favorite country in the world, not because it`s the only country I ever visited (I only been in Maine, USA outsided of the country), but because it`s my country and I am proud to be Canadian. I'm proud to be Canadian even if I am a French Quebecker. I love this country because I feel right at home every place I go. I met some great families along the way. Thank you Gerry and Patty Vinthers, from Princeton BC, for everything. You are like my "god grandparents". Thank you also to the Neves family, originaly from Listowel Ontario, now from London, Ontario. You're family is amazing and I miss my time with all of you. Canada is also a country of freedom and amazing friendships: Alicia Jung, Kathleen Grout, Nicholas and Martin St-Hilaire...
Just thing about it, next time you want travelled in Canada: travelled with you're heart, your eyes and with your mind and you will discover what Canada is trully about. I cant explained it because it`s undescrible and unforgettable. Canada is not a country like the others and we have much more to offer than a winter wonderland because we have everything right at home.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for sharing Seb

    It was awesome to hear from you. I hope you enjoy your work in Banff.

    God Bless
