July 25, 2010

Ha Ling peak, 2408m, June 23th, 2010

Wednesday are my day off but that day I had too work. When you need to work on your day off the most unexpecting think is to hike a mountain the same day, particullarly a higher peak than Sulphur. Justin invite me to come join him to hike Ha Ling Peak in Canmore, formerly called Chinaman's peak. Ha ling peak is part of the greater massif Mount Lawrence Grassi range. I couldnt resist doing a new mountain, a mountain once again I never heard before. We stop at the tourist info center to check out where the trail start and the lady at the info center basically told us to not hike this mountain because it's too late. After looking at the number of kilometers and elevation gain I know right away we could do it. I'm glad we didnt listen to her because we were back in town in less than 150 minutes. The hike was so steep, I coulnt believe how steep Ha ling peak is. However, the scramble was pretty easy. The view from the top worth the effort we put on. For the first time I could see the town of Canmore from up high. Many surrouding peaks still had snow on. Good times!

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