July 21, 2010

Sunshine meadows, Aug 8th, 2007,2008

For two years in a row, I spend my Aug 8th in the meadows reflecting on life. Reflecting on losing dreams and new possibilities. It's a time for me to reflect on my summer and decide to take the taureau by the horn to bring back to life into English a French expression. It's kind of funny to be able to feel this way when you are hiking with around ten other gondola fellow members but most of the time it's when you are happy that you can make up new dreams.

The meadows are a really pretty area to spend a day with some friends even if not on my memorable list of hiking spot troughtout the rockies. Nontheless, the views of Grizzly lakes and Rock isles worth the trip and it's proba
bly one of the best spot to spend a cloudy day. I've done this mountain with the perfect and the worst weather and I think this area is even more pristine surrounding with mist, clouds and rain. It's like being in the middle of the movie '' The others".

Hiking time: 4 hrs or full day if you want to discover more vistas. ''All trails leads to sunshine!''
Best time: July/August
Difficulty: really easy/ Not challenging!

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