July 22, 2010

Plains of the Six glaciers, Aug'08 & July'10

All summer long Ashley and I worked together, but we never hiked anything together thus far. Since she is definetly the best part of Banff ''round two'', we organized a hike with Dalton in Lake Louise. The day start cloudy and rainy in Banff but turns out to be an awesome day in Lake Louise, the sun even welcomed us from time to time. It was incredible to hike with those two fellows, but I was sad thinking that my precious Ashley was leaving Banff so soon. Nontheless, we spend a full day hiking and enjoying the views of glaciers. Many chipmunks really friendly were smiling at us. We had fun playing with them, laughing. If I could, I would take that day back in a second. Not many days in my life I felt so alive. It was a good day because when hiking means friendship the doors all wide opens to greatness. I spoke to Ashley last week, and two years after she still remember that day. The pictures look even more impressive now than before because we know, we all know that this day is now here to remember. But the memories will never grow old, will always be there to remind us the mountain draff we used to live was all real and full of surprised. When Boileau and Jolene came to visit me, we hike this trail at the end of July. I was happy to do this again and the perspective felt so much different that time.

Hiking time: half a day (3-4,5 hrs)

Difficulty: Easy, a good hike for all ages

Best time: all summer long, but perfect for shoulder season when they isnt much hike available.

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