July 21, 2010

Lake O'Hara, Sept 07

Some peoples say that the locals of the Rockies speak highly of Lake O'hara, others says it's the true hidden gem of the Canadian Rockies. In order to hike lake O'Hara, you need to take a shuttle and less than 40 peoples a day are allowed to hike this area of Yoho National Park. In this pristine wilderness you can meet a lot of peoples who enjoyed the mountains and hiking. I've been lucky enough to hike Lake O'hara because Sanae, my assistant manager, known I wanted to get there. She changed my day off, brought me with her in her car so I could enjoy this amazing piece of winter heaven. I'm talking about a pure piece of winter heaven because we choose a real bad day to hike this area. Frozen weather, gloves and winter jacket were mandatory. The mountains were invisible, hidden by clouds. But the yellow trees of September and the fresh snow falling on us made that day so enjoyable and so unique. I didnt get the chance to get the picture perfect view of Lake O'Hara, but I could feel why this place is so powerful. One day I will go back and enjoy the views from some summit surrounding this lake on a shinning day. I'm sure of that because Lake O'hara is the cadillac of hiking! So many places can be explore. The view of Lake Oesa can even connect to Lake louise in banff.

Starting point: Around 20-25 km west of Lake Louise, near Field at the Border of Alberta and British columbia.
Hiking time: from 30 minutes to a full day: So many hikes available. Spending a full day in lake O'hara is must. No need to come here for only a few minutes; please give your place, since all places are limited, to peoples who want to hike for a full day.
Difficulty: All ranges of difficulty, some scrambling routes, some hiking routes, and somes easy walks.

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