July 21, 2010

My little stud mountain playground

This blog ended three years ago with my arrival in Banff. Surprisingly, I haven’t write not by lack of new adventures or things to say, but because I was overwhelmed with so much greatness. Banff is a place like no other on earth. By working in Banff for fourth seasons on a mountaintop summit, I've been granted of so many new friendships and I've been able to see the world trough my eyes avid of new adventures, avid of new discovery. Every day I wish I could be a bird and fly throughout the valley that’s making the Rockies so impressive and unique in the world. So many morning I was going to work and wish I didn’t had to work in this amazing playground…and then during the ride up the gondola, in the morning or when landing on top of Sulphur mountain, I witness some unexpected scenery such as working above the clouds to experience a sea of clouds covering both Spray and Bow valley. Being in Banff made me found new passions such as hiking and scrambling. I been lucky enough to reach many summits and reach some goal I had to myself. The challenge to achieve a mountain in the Rockies make you feel like you reach the top of the world. For one second, sometime two, you feel invincible, you feel you can accomplished anything in your life, you start dreaming and start realize you and only yourself have the power to make your desires comes true, no body else.

The highlights of my adventures included the Top of Cascade, Rundle, Castle, Ha Ling peak and Fairview mountain and spending some quality time on Yamnuska, the Sulphur South ridge, Tunnel mountain, the Plaines of the six glaciers, Eiffel lake, Lake O’Hara, Lake Agnes, Yoho valley, Castle lookout and much more. My goals for the rest of the summer are to do as much hikes in the following list: Mount Bourgeau, Sentinel pass, Paradise valley, Helen lake to circle peak, Caldron lake, Cataract pass,Opapin Prospect in Lake O’Hara and most of all, reach the base of Mount Assiniboine!

Banff’s is a place where peoples come and goes. Peoples come to Banff to feel something and in this wilderness almost unspoiled I’ve meet peoples that are inspiring me in many ways, peoples I wish to keep contact with for years to come. Every summer has been different and every summer made me experience the Rockies in a different way. But with only a few weeks left in this Paradise, I come to realize I’m at a crossroad and want to feel every corner of the Rockies for an ultimate time, because after all Banff is an ultimate place even on a world scale.

Keep posted! I will try to catch up and making you discover some of my amazing outdoor adventure from 2007 to 2010 and some of the amazing peoples I met in the process. This blog just started so I'm planning many more posts. Since English isnt my primary language, please understand this blog isnt mistake free. I decide to write this blog in English so everybody's who went hiking with me trought the years could understand this page. Thanks for understanding mes amis (es) du Quebec!

Bonne lecture!
Your host, Sebastien Lamarche-Lauzon, proud resident of Montreal, Quebec.

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